Solder Powder Vibro Screen

High performance Finex Ultima for screening of solder powder

Solder powder vibro screen Finex Ultima

Solder powder is used widely with large number of applications from plumbing to printed circuit boards. It is a combination of different sized metal particles and to avoid defects in solder paste it needs to have a “clean dry sand” finish. The Russell ?Finex Ultima? vibrating screen provides accurate screening down to 20 micron and material flow on up to five fractions in one operation, providing the ideal solution for screening solder powder

The Finex Ultima- offers increased productivity, higher screening capacities and reduced product wastage

By combining this vibro screen with the Russell Vibrasonic? Deblinding System provides increased accuracy and throughput rate when grading solder powder for quick sieving and transportation to avoid exposure to air which causes loss of good product.

  • Increased accuracy and material control
  • Increased production capacity
  • This vibro screen can be fitted into any existing production line.

Contact us for more information for this vibro screen or fill the form with your specific needs for our sales manager to assist you.

"在我们的车间测试紧凑型振动筛和超声波振动筛之后,我们确信这就是我们需要的机型。而Russell Finex提供的售后服务,让我们更坚定这是一项不错的设备投资。”
Profel Extrusion & Finishing
Patrick Follon, 生产部经理